In May 2019 Professor Marissa Ambio presented “Latin American Regionalism in New York’s El Ateneo (1874)” at the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) annual conference. Her forthcoming publications include: “Nuyorican Mestizaje or La gran familia neorriqueña in Piri Thomas’s Down These Mean Streets” in Centro Journal, “Drowned Out: Literary Silence in Junot Díaz’s Short Stories” in Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, and a book chapter in Transitions in Latin American Literature: 1870-1930 published by Cambridge University Press. She will be presenting “Reprinting Transnationalism in New York’s El Siglo XIX Ilustrado (1874)” at the C19 Annual Conference in October 2020, and “The Coming of Age of Latinx Literature: Nilda (1973) and Island Born (2017) as Young Adult and Children’s Literature” at the Latina/o Studies Association annual meeting in July 2021. Professor Ambio has recently organized two multi-day campus visits. Dr. Kim Potowski (UIllinois, Chicago) is a leading scholar in the field of Hispanic linguistics. During her time at Hamilton in March 2019, Dr. Potowski visited classes, offered a pedagogy workshop, and gave a campus talk, “Spanish in the U.S.: Myths and Realities”. In Fall 2019, Professor Ambio secured $20,000 in funding from several of Hamilton’s offices, departments and student organizations, to invite three Latin Jazz musicians from the Nuyorican Poets Café (NYC), including one Latin Grammy Award nominee. Professor Ambio served as editor for the 2019 issue of Encuentros, and is the current faculty advisor of the Spanish Club. She is also a member of the Judicial Board. During the 2020-2021 academic year, Professor Ambio will be on leave to complete her book manuscript on nineteenth-century Cuban émigré periodicals.

Professor Marissa Ambio